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Faith : An Essential Ingredient On Your Twin Flame Journey

Having Faith is knowing without yet seeing the results in the physical, that you will arrive at your destination. Whether it be the purchase of your dream home, your Harmonious Twin Flame Union, growing your family, or creating more wealth in your life, it is essential to have Faith every step of the way towards your dreams because it is what will carry you through it all. Even when things don’t look so promising. Personally on my journey, I have had to face many challenges that made me feel as though I was on the wrong path and that I would never see the light of day again. Times where I didn’t understand what was going on or why things were happening a certain way. Thankfully, just a mustard seed of Faith was enough to carry me through each time. All of it was simply a test of Faith.

One example of this, is when I manifested a new car for myself last year. I had the desire to purchase a new car for years at this point, and every time I made the choice to manifest one, I was faced with more and more blocks to work through. I began to feel really disappointed, and that God didn’t want me to have my desire met here. But one day, when I was just looking at cars for fun, God told me to go look at a particular car. I wasn’t sure why, the timing didn’t seem ideal because I was facing many blocks in other areas of my life such my work and living situation, but I trusted Him and booked a visit with the dealership. Everything about this car was perfect for what I needed and desired. Even the dealer was very kind, compassionate and helpful. Everything was pointing in the direction of me purchasing this car – except that I found out right at that moment that I had lost my employment as an Au Pair, and of course, my living situation.

Why was this happening to me now? I truly felt that God had been guiding me perfectly into having this new beautiful car. Everything was aligning, and then I lost my job right then and there. But I knew in my heart, God was testing my Faith in Him. He was saying: “Will you trust me here?” Even though fear wanted to get the best of me, I finally made the move. I purchased my car anyway. I said no to ego. It turns out losing my job had happened because I had chosen to value myself, and it was no longer aligning with my choice in Love. Everything turned out perfectly and I ended up finding myself a new and better job as an Au Pair on a beautiful island on the West Coast of Canada.

This lesson also applies to your Twin Flame journey. As you heal through separation with your Twin Flame, God will ask of you to build your Faith and trust in Him along the way, even if you have been disappointed time and time again. You will often find yourself walking through the same pain, the same upsets you have been experiencing for years on end. Only this time, you are doing it with Love and with God. So don’t be afraid if you are faced with a challenge you feel is impossible to face. Ego will want you to buy into its lie that you won't make it through, but you can always say no to it and choose to have Faith.

The truth is, your challenges are just an area of your consciousness which requires refinement, and by having complete Faith in the Divine, you will get through to the other side with more confidence then before. God does not make mistakes. It’s safe to pursue your dreams and desires with all your heart. They are for you, waiting for you on the other side of each block and upset that arises. Will you choose to have Faith in the Divine to guide you through them? Roxanne Lemoine Certified Ascension Coach Twin Flames Universe

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